Watch a range of films young people in schools participating in the programme have produced
Merseyside Youth Association is working in partnership with educational media experts Collaborate Digital to help young people make short films as part of the Mentors in Violence Prevention programme.
The school workshops use teamwork, creative writing, performance and media production to deliver active learning and a deeper understanding of issues around violence prevention.
Collaborate Digital also provide lesson plans and a range of online tools to enable teachers to deliver PSHE lessons on important issues such as health, personal safety, careers, the environment and the risks and consequences of being involved with criminal activity.
The Academy of St Francis of Assisi
Are you going to Standby or Stand Up?
When a fight happens how can bystanders help and use their power to defuse the situation and help the victim?
Alsop High School
Child Sexual Exploitation, what is it?
Exploring what Child Sexual Exploitation is.
This is not ok, this is sexual abuse
Step Forward if… statements and reflection of sexual abuse
All Saints Catholic High School
A news bulletin of a Knife Crime incident. Explores who you can turn to if you are affected.
What is it? How can we help as a bystander?
Exploring what makes a good leader
The Belvedere Academy
How can we be active bystanders to gender-based harassment?
The impact of cyberbullying.
Explores different scenarios where consent should be given.
The impact of spreading Rumours and blaming the victim
The Blue Coat School
The 5 D’s of Bystander Intervention
Exploring the impact of the Diffusion of Responsibility and how we can use the 5 D’s to choose which bystander intervention we take
Calday Grange Grammar School
Tackling discrimination and homophobia
The impact physical abuse can have on a person’s wellbeing.
Victim Blamed for Online Abuse – #NotUrFault
Explores how young people can be victim blamed for experiencing online abuse
Christ the King
Supporting someone who is being peer pressured #DifferentVoicesDifferentChoices
Shows the signs of suicide and the impact on others
Active Bystanders in Southport
Students discuss their personal experience of witnessing and being Active Bystanders during the Southport incident in Summer 2024 and the subsequent Riots
De La Salle
#stopthegossip, the effects rumours can have on a person.
What is anxiety and how does it affect us?
Cyberbullying – Treat others as you would like to be treated
The effects cyberbullying can have on us. #Youarenotalone #mentalhealthmatters
Deyes High School
What is a rumour and the impact of them on mental health. #StopTheRumour
What is online abuse and how can you get support.
Dixons Broadgreen Academy
Male suicide rates are the highest… but we don’t like to talk about it
Explores giving consent when under the influence of alcohol.
Greenbank High School
Online Abuse #ThinkBeforeYouSend
The impact of online abuse with a key message: Think Before You Send!
A scenario exploring being an active or passive bystander when sexual harassment happens
Change in Attitudes, Changes Behaviour
Exploring scenarios using the Violence Pyramid
Holly Lodge
Explores true accounts of Victim Blaming from young people aged 11-18.
Barbie Monologue to challenge Stereotypes
A Merseyside twist on the Barbie Monologue to challenge Gender Stereotypes
Holy Family Catholic High School
Explores how Homophobia occurs through social media.
Explores what Banter is and how it can be associated with Violence
Transitioning from Year 6 to Secondary School
Mentors write letters to their younger selves about how Secondary School has had a positive effect on them and interview their schools therapist about how to help year 7’s with transitioning into secondary school #FindYourFlock
Hope Academy
A rap that focuses on the impact of insults on mental health.
Would you be a bystander to racist bullying?
Exploring Core Component – Violence vs Respect activity
Hope Academy Mentors interview their peers in a TikTok style video to explore bullying and how to be an active bystander
Kirkby High School
Challenging common stereotypes about young people’s identity
MYA Youth and You Group (YAY)
Hate crime and Disability discrimination
The effects of Muslim hate crime and disability discrimination and how we can be active bystanders
Bystander “I wish it never happened” – Ben Bluett-Duncan
Searching for an answer on knife crime – “I wish I was a bystander because then I wouldn’t standby”
Why don’t we talk about Mental Health? – Ammarah Saleem
Explores mental health as a ‘taboo’ subject
Pensby High School
Challenging Gender Stereotypes
Using the Of Course… TikTok trend to challenge stereotypes put onto Genders
A poem written by Mentors on Domestic Violence and statistics related to young people’s experiences
St Anselm’s College
Exploring Racist incidents, identifying if they are a hate crime or hate incident, and what bystander approach could have been taken
St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Academy
The dangers of the online word
Explores what dangers we could come across online but how you can access support for this.
St Hildas CE High School
I’m passing the phone to someone who…
Exploring Gender Stereotypes and breaking the gender box!
Ask the MVP expert about about disability discrimination
St Julie’s Catholic High School
Gender Stereotypes and Feminism
Interviews with staff to explore the gender gap in professions.
Combatting Sexual Harassment in School
Explores how St Julie’s school combats Sexual Violence.
Podcasts with guests talking about their experiences and the impact it had on them
Upton Hall School
Explores how online abuse can occur and how common this is.
Using the Of Course… TikTok trend to explore body image issues and body shaming
Windsor Primary School
You’ve got us now – Exploitaiton and Gang crimes
Exploring exploitation and gang crimes within their area, reflecting on their NOW Festival piece.
The MVP programme has been a brilliant success at Saint Julies. Not only has it provided our year 7 students with a wealth of knowledge on vital topics such as sexual harassment and gender equality, but it has also been great to see our year 10 mentors grow in confidence in their own abilities adding their own personal touches to the session content. It has been delightful seeing these relationships blossom outside the classroom with year 7 seeking out, their year 10 mentor for help support and company. The MVP programme has been a great experience, with great impact. It is exceptionally well run and I would highly recommend it.
Cairine Corrigan, Senior Progress Leader, St Julies.