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Merseyside Youth Association

Impact of MVP

Mentors and mentees are more aware of the issues related
to violence, gender-based violence and bullying.

As a leadership programme MVP creates a positive, inclusive and welcoming learning environment for all. Working towards long-term attitudinal change, evaluation and continuous improvement are at the heart of implementation.

“The MVP programme equips participants to speak out against all forms of bullying, violence and abusive behaviour and empowers them to take an active role in promoting a positive culture and environment. It also helps them unpick the negative attitudes, beliefs and assumptions which can lie behind abusive behaviour.

In the MVP programme, young people are seen as empowered bystanders who can understand the issues, support peers and challenge inappropriate behaviour, rather than be seen as potential victims or perpetrators. The programme encourages young people to see themselves as leaders and shapers of their environments. It has the potential to improve and reduce rates of exclusions and violent incidents. It can also bring about a culture change in schools, encouraging a restorative approach to behaviour and a safer and more settled environment.

Surveys have shown MVP can have a positive change in prosocial attitudes. Schools that have allowed MVP principles to influence the way they manage behaviour and provide pastoral care have spoken about the positive influences it has had, including excluding fewer pupils, seeing more concerns reported by young people and reducing fights in and outside school.”

Source: Bystander interventions to prevent intimate partner and sexual violence: summary. Published 10 December 2020

Evaluation of the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Programme

Read the 2022 Evaluation Report 

Read the 2021 Evaluation Report.

2021/2022 Infographic 

Staff and young people's surveys

Views of young people and school staff, reinforcing the value of the MVP programme.

Following the delivery of each MVP session, Merseyside Youth Association’s RAISE mental health promotion team invited members of the workforce and students to take part in online surveys. The surveys explore similar topical and current issues but through the eyes of each audience (staff and students). They are asked how they would respond to various situations related to areas covered in the MVP programme.

This report captures the survey responses from 2024.

Read the 2024 report 

Read the 2023 report

Read the 2022 report

Read the 2021 report

This document highlights key trends over 2021 – 2024.

Graduation Celebration Events

Graduation 2024

We asked mentors a series of questions about MVP and their experience of the programme.

You can watch their responses to each question individually here.

You can read the film transcript here.


Graduation 2023

You can read the film transcript here.

Graduation 2022